Ten-Speed Mystery Quilt Clue Five

There is a story behind this method. I taught it as part of the “No Whining” class that I did before the turn of the century. We experimented with a lot of different blocks, strips sewn together, pieced blocks sewn to solid squares and so on. Someday I will write a book on all the wonderful ideas we came up with – including what is now called the Disappearing Nine Patch!

Use this method to make 16 HSTs from your scraps. You will need or (8) 7-1/4″ squares, 4 dark and 4 light. One side of the HST will be scrap and the other side will be background. Square up your HSTs to 4-1/2″ unfinished.

The Bias Beauty Method

Helpful to have


A finished HST is the size that it is in a quilt. It’s dressed and ready to go to the ball. An unfinished HST is in raw, unclothed form. It will be 1/2″ larger than a finished HST because the size includes a 1/4″ seam allowance.

Finished and Unfinished HST

The Bias Beauty Method of Making 4 HSTs at Once

Start with two squares that are the same size. Sew them together all the way around the outside with a 1/4″ seam. Think of it as a pillow with no way to get to the inside. Press. Cut this pillow on both diagonals and open up the pieces. You now have (4) identical HSTs!

The Bias Beauty Method of Making HSTs
and press!

You will have to square these up. No matter how careful you are, they always seem to end up off just a little bit. Use a little bit of spray starch to stabilize those bias edges. Press the seams to the dark, or press them open.

I don’t believe the bias edges are worrisome because the center seam will hold everything in place, especially in a smaller block. However, you CAN pull it out of square if you try hard enough. The answer, of course, is too start with two blocks that are already on the bias. That way your cut squares end up on the straight of grain.

This chart has nothing to do with the mystery. It’s yours as a gift.

More Methods of Making HSTs

I know that I didn’t show them all. Did I show your favorite? Is there a ruler you still need help with? Send a note to moc.liamgobfsctd-844526@sngiseDnooMebeohP and I will try to write a tutorial.

You should have a total of 80 Half Square Triangles before going on to the next clue. If you have time, you can start drawing diagonal lines on the back of your 4-1/2″ Background squares. Can you guess what they will be?

Next Clue, Next Hour

Don’t forget to send me your pictures! Anyone who sends me a picture of their fabric or blocks during or just after the mystery will receive a free copy of the final pattern as a thank-you. My email address is moc.liamgobfsctd-900caf@sngisednoomebeohp.