The theme for this month’s #QuiltBlockMania is “drink”. Since today is Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, I wanted to represent a popular Mardi Gras drink, the Hurricane. You would normally drink that out of a curvy glass, but I decided to simplify the design and show a goblet.
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The Goblet Block was inspired by this Postcard

I admit that I did some research on this drink, trying several different recipes that I found on the Internet. I did not come to any sort of conclusion, but I did sleep well. (Yes, I am kidding.)
Here is the block.

To Make a Single Goblet Block, Assemble:
- (1) 6-1/4″ square for the goblet. I used green (and purple in the table runner below.) The colors of Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold. Purple is for justice, gold is for power, and green is for faith.
- (2) 4-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ Background rectangles
- (1) 5″ square the same color as the goblet. Cut this on the diagonal to make (2) triangles. (see illustration on the right) You won’t use both triangles.
- (2) 5″ Background squares. Cut these on the diagonal to make (4) triangles. You won’t use all the triangles.
- (1) 5″ Background square.
- (1) 5″ square the opposite color of the goblet. Because my goblet was green, I used purple.
- (2) 2-1/2″ squares the same color as the 5″ square above. In my case, that’s purple.

The Goblet is a Square-in-a-Square
Sew a Background triangle to both sides of the 6-1/4″ Goblet square. Press to the triangles.

Sew a Goblet triangle (in my case, green) to one side of the square and a Background triangle to the other. You have made the Goblet!

The Goblet Stem
- Make an HST using the 5″ squares of the Stem Color and the Background. If you participated in last month’s Super Sunday mystery, I bet you know how to do that in 20 different ways!
- Sew a 2-1/2″ square on the diagonal to the left side of a 4-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ Background rectangle, right sides together. Flip the square over the seam. If it lines up perfectly, you can trim the background if you like. Press to the dark.
- Sew a 2-1/2″ square on the diagonal to the right side of a 4-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ Background rectangle, right sides together. Flip the square over the seam. If it lines up perfectly, you can trim the background if you like. Press to the dark.

Now Just Sew it Together!
Sew the left side of the block first, as shown in the piecing diagram. Press as directed by the arrows. Then sew the right side of the block and press again. Finally, sew the right and left sides together, again pressing as shown. Because of the way you pressed your seams, they should just touch each other at the intersections.

If you would like to make this block in a different size, visit the Square-in-a-Square tutorial for a free downloadable chart.
Here is a Table Runner to Try
I used three 12″ blocks, a 1-1/2″ (unfinished) sashing, and a 2-1/2″ (unfinished) border. I found some wonderful polkadot fabric exactly like this on Connecting Threads, BUT it’s extra wide. However, it is on sale right now for 25% off and I am pretty sure you can use the ACTKRIS coupon code for an additional 15% off. It never hurts to have extra pretty fabric, especially if it is on sale.

Be Sure to Visit These Designers to See Their Blocks!
Tropical Drink by Carolina Moore of Always Expect Moore
Pink Lemonade by Crafty Staci
Mardi Gras Hurricanes
Milkshake by Patchwork Breeze
On the Rocks by Patti’s Patchwork
Coco Loco by QuiltFabrication
Hot Coffee To Go
Christmas Cocktail by Inquiring Quilter
Sip Happens by Robin Kinley Designs Etc.
Unicorn Lemonade by Memory Barn Studio
Friendly Mule by Patchwork River Quilting
Margarita by Emerald Falls Quilts
Bartending Nutcracker by Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts
Raspberry Lemonade
Mod Martini by A Piece of Quiet Quilts
Pina Colada by Appliques Quilts and More
Lemon Drop by Studio B