March Block of the Month – Four Roses

In this quilt tutorial, I am going to show you the Bias Beauty technique of making four blocks at the same time. I am using the Half-Square-Triangle variation in this block, but there are several other variations. Details are in the free printable.

Before starting this project, I recommend that you press your fabric with spray sizing. It will make it easier to cut small pieces. Take the time to clean your machine, put in a new needle, and fill a few bobbins. When pressing, just hold the iron over a spot for a moment or two. This pattern assumes a perfect 1/4” seam.

March Quilt Block: Four Roses

Use the green “Print Friendly” button at the bottom to print these instructions without any distractions.

Cutting Instructions for the Block

(4) 4″ x 4″ squares
(16) 2-1/4″ squares
(4) 2″ x 5-3/4″ rectangles

Pink One
(4) 4″ x 4″ squares
(1) 2-1/4″ square

Pink Two
(4) 4″ x 4″ squares
(1) 2-1/4″ square

Pink Three
(4) 4″ x 4″ squares
(1) 2-1/4″ square

Pink Four
(4) 4″ x 4″ squares
(1) 2-1/4″ square

(1) 2″ x 2″ square

The Bias Beauty Method of Making 4 HSTs at Once

Here is a method of creating Half-Square-Triangle, Three-Part Triangle and Quarter-Square Triangle Blocks that the students in my “No Whining” class discovered as they created, cut up, and recombined various blocks.

Start with two squares that are the same size. Sew them together all the way around the outside with a 1/4″ seam. Think of it as a pillow with no way to get to the inside. Press. Cut this pillow on both diagonals and open up the pieces. You now have (4) identical HSTs!

You will have to square these up. No matter how careful you are, they always seem to end up off just a little bit. Use a little bit of spray starch to stabilize those bias edges. Press the seams to the dark, or press them open.

Other things it is helpful to have are:

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Creating the Block

The Bias Beauty Method of Making HSTs

Square up the HSTs to 2-1/4″. The picture above shows all the pieces you should have to make the Four Roses block.

I am sure you recognized the churn dash block. It is sewn together in rows as shown below. Press the seams of the top and bottom row blocks away from the center. Press the seams of the middle row toward the center. Alternating the seam allowance in this way helps your block lie flat.

The Bias Beauty Method of Making HSTs

Make (4) churn dash blocks. These are your roses. Press and double check the size. Square up to 5-3/4″ x 5-3/4″ if necessary.

The Bias Beauty Method of Making HSTs

Now sew a sashing between the two top blocks and the two bottom blocks. Press the seam toward the sashing. Sew the green block between two sashings. Press the seam toward the sashings. Sew this sashing between the two rows.

The Bias Beauty Method of Making HSTs

You are done! Press and double check. Your block should measure 12-1/2″ square.

Would you like to make it bigger? Here are instructions for setting a block on point. Add a border and you have a 21″ x 21″ candle mat, table topper, or wall hanging.

The Bias Beauty Method of Making HSTs

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