Free Summer Poppies Quilt Tutorial with Pattern

Summer Poppies Quilt

Summer Poppies

For my project, I am working on a 36″ square wallhanging called Summer Poppies with some lovely red and yellow fabric.  If you would like to sew along, you will need:

  • Yellow: 1/3 yard
  • Green: 1/3 yard
  • Background (white in my sample): 1/2 yard
  • Accent border and binding: 1/2 yard
  • Border (mostly red poppies in my sample): 7/8 yard

Here is the block I am using:

Summer Poppies Quilt Block

You will need to make 8 of these blocks using the Magic Eight Method to make the HSTs.  The directions given below assume a perfect 1/4″ seam allowance. After you put these blocks together, you will surround them by a small first border and a larger outer border.  Here is how to make it.

  • Yellow: Cut (2) strips 5-3/4″ wide by the WOF (Width of Fabric). Cut these strips into (8) 5-3/4″ squares.
  • Green: Cut (2) strips 5-3/4″ wide by the WOF (Width of Fabric). Cut these strips into (8) 5-3/4″ squares.
  • Background (white in my sample): Cut (3) strips 5-3/4″ wide by the WOF (Width of Fabric). Cut these strips into (16) 5-3/4″ squares.
  • Accent (also used in binding): Cut (7) strips 2-1/2″ wide.  Sew these end to end to make one LONG strip, mitering the join if you prefer.
  • Border (mostly red poppies in my sample): Cut (2) strips 5-3/4″ wide by the WOF (Width of Fabric). Cut these strips into (8) 5-3/4″ squares.  Cut (4) strips 4-1/2″ wide to use in the outer border.

Using the Magic Eight Method, make:

  • (48) yellow/white HSTs
  • (32) border/white HSTs
  • (16) green/white HSTs
  • (32) green/red HSTs
  • (16) green/yellow HSTs

Press and square up these HSTs to 2-1/2″ if necessary.

Sew them in rows, pressing the block seams of every other row in opposite directions. 

Do not press the row seams just yet. Your block should measure 6-1/2″ square.

Summer Poppies Quilt Section showing pressing instructions

Now sew them in a four-patch, turning each block so the green/white HSTs are in the center.

Quilt Section showing pressing directionsQuilt Section showing pressing directions
Quilt Section showing pressing directionsQuilt Section showing pressing directions

Finger press the seams of the blocks as you sew them so they face opposite directions.  Don’t be afraid to use pins.

Adding the Borders to the Summer Poppies Quilt

Press the project and square up to 24-1/2″ x 24″ 1/2″ if necessary.

Cut (2) 2-1/2″ wide accent strips 24-1/2″ long.  Sew these to either side of the center you just made.  Press to the border.  Your quilt top should now measure 24-1/2″ x 28-1/2″.

Cut (2) 2-1/2″ wide accent strips 28-1/2″ long.  Sew these to the top and bottom of your quilt top.  Press to the border.  Your quilt top should now measure 28-1/2″ x 28-1/2″.

Summer Poppies Quilt Section

Cut (2) 2-1/2″ wide accent strips 28-1/2″ long.  Sew these to either side of the center you just made.  Press to the border.  Your quilt top should now measure 28-1/2″ x 36-1/2″.

Cut (2) 2-1/2″ wide accent strips 36-1/2″ long.  Sew these to the top and bottom of your quilt top.  Press to the border.  Your quilt top should now measure 36-1/2″ x 36-1/2″.

You are done! Give your top one last pressing, then quilt as desired.  Don’t forget to add a hanging sleeve. 

Summer Poppies Free Pattern

I decided to finish this quilt with curved corners. For that, you need bias binding! Here is how to make it.

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27 thoughts on “Free Summer Poppies Quilt Tutorial with Pattern”

  1. What a bright and happy quilt, guess I will have to go out and buy some yellow fabric or maybe dig deeper into my stash!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your poppies are lovely and have turned into a very sweet wall hanging. Thanks for sharing the pattern and how too with us.

  3. Your Summer Poppies quilt is wonderful and so sunshiny. Thank you for the great tut; you are very generous. Hope your day is filled with sunshine.

  4. Wow, that’s pretty! I don’t have a lot of yellow, but this could convince me to fix that problem. =) Thank you so much for making the pattern and tutorial available.

  5. Your border fabric is just perfect it brings all the colors together so nicely. Thank you for the pattern.

  6. Wowzers, this is so pretty! Thank you for brightening my day with a great pattern and full tutorial. You make it look so easy. Love it!

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