You have probably guessed at the end of this mystery, but I am going to keep going anyway. I am switching off to graphics rather than the actual quilt because I think they make it easier to understand.
- (12) 2″ x 2″ red squares
- (10) 2″ x 12-1/2″ background rectangles
- The LOONG border strip
Make (2) sashing sets like the one below. These will be the side sashings. Press away from the red square. Your sashing should measure 2″ x 69-1/2″.

Finishing the Top
Sew the sashing border to both sides of the quilt top. Take care to alternate the red square seams at each intersection. Use pins to keep everything in place. Press.
Cut (2) 69-1/2″ long strips from the 4-1/2″ wide border strip. Pinning the center of the border to the center of the quilt top, sew these to both sides of your quilt top. Use a walking foot if you have one.
Cut (2) 64″ long strips from the 4-1/2″ wide border strip. Pinning the center of the border to the center of the quilt top, sew these to both top and bottom of your quilt top. Use a walking foot if you have one.

You are done! Might I suggest that you consider creating a scalloped border after the quilt is quilted? It will add a little bit of fun to this pretty quilt. In fact, I think I will do a tutorial on that using this quilt when it comes back from the long-arm quilter.
You could also add an additional 6″ wide border on all four sides to make it a 76″ x 89″ quilt. Enjoy!
You are done! Remember if you send me a picture anywhere along the way, I will send you a copy of the professional pattern at the end. I will add your picture to the picture page when I get back from buying Potato Chips. (just kidding!)
Love this mystery quilt. I was en route home after an emergency trip out of town so have to get caught up this week! Thank you for another beauty! 😁 Carol