Kind Quilts – the Be Kind Blog Hop

The theme for this blog hop is “Be Kind”. Well, I think quilters are ALWAYS kind. Don’t we make a lot of quilts to give away? I remembered a handout I had that had directions for quick and easy quilts and thought y’all might like to see that as my effort to being kind.

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Be Kind Quilts

The quilts in this pattern are designed to use fat quarters and wide strips (scraps, anyone?) to make quilts in multiple sizes.   For the purpose of these quilt directions, we will be using the following approximate sizes.

Baby  – 36″ × 42″  or 42″ × 48″ (no more than 42″ wide or long)

  • Sized so that it can be finished pillowcase style, then tied with ribbon or floss. To finish using the pillowcase method:  place the quilt top right side up, place the backing on top of the quilt top with right sides together (the wrong side of the backing facing up); place the batting on top of the backing.  Sew around all four sides, leaving an opening for turning.  Turn the whole thing inside out, trapping the batting inside the quilt.  Hand sew or machine sew the opening closed.  Tie to secure all layers.

Lap – no larger than 52″ × 52″

Twin  – 54″ – 60″ wide, no more than 78″ long

  • Sized to fit a backing of (2) 42″ wide fabrics sewn horizontally, with extra for quilting. Here is an article on Machine Quilting Basics.

Queen  – no more than 78″ wide, 90″ to 95″ long, 

  • Sized to fit a backing of (2) 42″ wide fabrics sewn vertically, with extra for quilting.

King –  100″ × 100″ 

  • no more than 102 wide so it will fit 108″ wide backing.

But First

I want to say THANK YOU to Connecting Threads for giving me something to give to you. They very kindly created a coupon code that gives you 10% off any purchase on their website. It is ACTKRIS. They didn’t have to do that. I had only asked them for something to give away as a door prize of sorts. Instead they gave me something for everyone.

Here are the Quilts in the Kind Quilts Pattern

All graphics shown use the Faux Linen line of fabric from Connecting Threads.

Super Simple Squares Quilt
Super Simple Squares (four sizes)
Rail Fence Quilt
Rail Fence (four sizes)
Aurora Borealis Quilt
Aurora Borealis (52″ square)
Woven Star Quilt
Woven Stars (three sizes)
Broken Bricks Quilt
Broken Bricks (four sizes)

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Be Sure to Visit These Designers

and the Pinterest Page:

Monday Sept 23

Tuesday Sept 24

Wednesday Sept 25

Thursday Sept 26th

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6 thoughts on “Kind Quilts – the Be Kind Blog Hop”

  1. Thanks for showing kindness in this post. Your sizing tips and your suggested designs are wonderful for making and giving. Thanks also for passing along the Connecting Threads act of kindness.

  2. Thank you for sharing ideas and tips to make quilts for gifts. How sweet of Connecting Threads to share some kindness, too!

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