January Resolution: Get Organized

Let’s make it neat and organized! It doesn’t need to be expensive – you can find organizational elements at Home Improvement stores.  Like a men’s tackle box for small notions or a battery-operated Ott light so you don’t have to worry about the cord.  Bins are great for sorting fabrics. Buy the clear ones so you can see what is in them.

Can you put a shelf on the wall about 20″ from the ceiling?  Use it for PIGS (projects in grocery sacks), extra batting, those rarely used specialty rulers (maybe in a magazine rack hanging below the shelf in the back?), button jars, a dish rack, etc. The dish rack can hold little-used patterns, ribbon reels, Pigma pens and so on.

Can you hang a pegboard with hooks on the wall or on the back of a door?  It will get your rulers and temperature-sensitive mats off the floor.  Consider a corkboard, too, for pinning patterns, ideas, and reminders.  Buy a pretty box from a craft store (or paint one yourself) to hold your magazines.

A back-of-the-door shoe organizer might help store threads, scissors, pencils, rotary cutter blades – anything you don’t want the cat to play with. If you have two doors, put curtain rods on the back on one to hold fabric, tops or any WIPs.  (works in progress)

Here is a clever thread catcher idea from Needlethings.   Finally, a use for all those novelty buttons!  Do you have any other suggestions? 

Here is an article on Organizing Your Sewing Room.

Have another tip to offer? Send it to me or reply below and I will add it here.

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