Castle Secrets Block of the Week Quilt Mystery Clue Eight

This is a Quilt-Block-of-the-Month Mystery series. It starts today! Clues will be presented every Sunday from 6/4/23 until Labor Day. It is a two color (plus background) quilt that finishes about 90″ x 90″. Look for a list of clues at the bottom of this page. To print this clue, use the green Print Friendly button below those clues.

Just a reminder: Anyone who send me a picture of their quilt in progress or finished, gets a free copy of the professional pattern after the mystery is over. Offer expires 10/1/23. Send your pictures to moc.liamgobfsctd-8920ba@sngisednoomebeohp.

Clue Eight: It’s a Secret…Block, that is.


  • (32) 6-1/2″ X units (from Clue Six)
  • (32) 6-1/2″ Connector units (from Clue Four)
  • Cut 11 Chocolate Brown strips 6-1/2″ wide by the width of fabric. From (2) strips, cut (8) 6-1/2″ Chocolate squares. Save the rest for later in the mystery.

Sew a Connector Block to both sides of a 6-1/2″ Chocolate Brown square as shown. Press to the Chocolate Brown square. Make (8) sets.

The Secret Block

Sew an X unit to both sides of a 6-1/2″ Connector unit as shown. Press toward the X unit. Make (16) sets.

The Secret Block

Turning half of these groups upside down, make (8) Secret blocks as shown left. Because of the way you pressed your seams, they should just nestle at the intersection. Use pins to encourage this behavior.

Press the rows toward the 6-1/2″ Chocolate Brown square. Give your block one final pressing and square up to 18-1/2″ if necessary.

Here’s a Tip:

If you have a 18-1/2″ square ruler, place it on top of the pressed block, matching the diagonal line of the ruler with the opposite corners of the block. Double check the 1/4″ line on the inside of the ruler. All four points of the square should just touch this line. Once you have the ruler in place, cut all the way around the block. You will find a rotating mat helpful.

If you do not have a square ruler, you can use your regular ruler by placing the 1/4″ mark on the ruler so that the 45 degree line runs along the seam of the square to the triangle. Cut all four sides and double check to make sure it is square and the proper size.

The Secret Block


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