Castle Secrets Block of the Week Quilt Mystery Clue Seven

This is a Quilt-Block-of-the-Month Mystery series. It starts today! Clues will be presented every Sunday from 6/4/23 until Labor Day. It is a two color (plus background) quilt that finishes about 90″ x 90″. Look for a list of clues at the bottom of this page. To print this clue, use the green Print Friendly button below those clues.

Just a reminder: Anyone who send me a picture of their quilt in progress or finished, gets a free copy of the professional pattern after the mystery is over. Offer expires 10/1/23. Send your pictures to moc.liamgobfsctd-20bafb@sngisednoomebeohp.

Clue Seven


  • (32) 4-1/4″ Pink squares
  • (32) 4-1/4″ Background squares
  • (32) center SNS units you just made

Cut (1) 4-1/4″ Background square on the diagonal to make (2) triangles.

Cut (1) 4-1/4″ Pink square on the diagonal to make (2) triangles.

Square in  a Square Step One

Sew a pink triangle to one side of the Center SNS unit. Sew a Background triangle to the other side.

Press toward the triangle.

Sew the remaining triangles to the other two sides of the square, keeping the colors opposite each other. This should make a 7″ square-in-a-square unit as shown. Press toward the triangle corners.

Square in a Square

If all has gone well, continue making these second square-in-a-square units. Make (32) units and press.


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