The theme for #QuiltBlockMania this month is “transportation”. This Wagon Wheel block would make a great mini-quilt set on point, or a pretty full size quilt.
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And, no, it wasn’t always called the Wagon Wheel! Here it is in 1935.

The Wagon Wheel Quilt Block
Before starting this project, I recommend that you press your fabric with spray sizing. It will make it easier to cut small pieces. Take the time to clean your machine, put in a new needle, and fill a few bobbins. When pressing, just hold the iron over a spot for a moment or two. This pattern assumes a perfect 1/4” seam.
To make this block, you will need:
- (8) background 3″ squares, (2) 2-1/2″ squares, and (4) 2-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ rectangles
- (4) dk blue 3-3/8″ squares, and (4) 2-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ rectangles
- (2) green 2-1/2″ squares

Yes, I have this fabric! Check out the listing at quilt-fabric-and-samples-for-sale/
Make the center four-patch by sewing the 2-1/2″ green and the 2-1/2″ background squares in (2) rows of two each. Press to the dark. Sew the rows together and press the seam open. Square this up to 4-1/2″. In the picture below, I pressed the center seam open but in retrospect, I should have swirled it.

To twirl your seams on the back finger press them so they go around in a circle. You will need to pick out a couple of stitches at the intersection to get these twirled seams to lay flat. You know you have done it right if you see a teeny tiny four patch made by the right side of the fabric at the intersection.
To make the square-in-a-square corners, cut the (8) background 3″ squares on the diagonal to make (16) triangles. Sew a triangle to opposite sides of the (4) dk blue 3-3/8″ squares. Press.
Sew a triangle to the remaining sides of the squares.
To keep your points sharp, aim for the X when sewing a seam.
Press and square up to 4-1/2″.

Sew a dk blue 2-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ rectangle to a background 2-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ rectangle the long way. Make (4) sets and press to the dark.

Sew these between (2) square-in-a-square blocks as shown below to make the top and bottom row of the block. Press. Sew the remaining (2) to both sides of the four-patch block. Press.
Sew the three rows together, taking care not to overlap the seams at the intersection. Give your block one final press and square it up to 12-1/2″.
You are done! Use your block in a quilt, or set it on point and make it into a mini-quilt. Enjoy!
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Be Sure to Visit These Designers, Too
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thank you. this looks like a lot of fun to make