Castle Secrets Block of the Week Quilt Mystery – Clue 11

This is a Quilt-Block-of-the-Month Mystery series. It starts today! Clues will be presented every Sunday from 6/4/23 until Labor Day. It is a two color (plus background) quilt that finishes about 90″ x 90″. Look for a list of clues at the bottom of this page. To print this clue, use the green Print Friendly button below those clues.

Just a reminder: Anyone who send me a picture of their quilt in progress or finished, gets a free copy of the professional pattern after the mystery is over. Offer expires 10/1/23. Send your pictures to moc.liamgobfsctd-83102d@sngisednoomebeohp.

Home at Last


  • (8) 18-1/2″ Castle Blocks
  • (8) 18-1/2″ Secret Block

Sew your blocks in (4) rows of (4) each, as shown below. Press to the right.

Castle Secrets Rows

Reversing the direction of every other row, sew these rows into a quilt top. Because of the way you have pressed your seams, they should just touch each other at the block intersections. Use pins to encourage this behavior. Press from the back so you can fix any twisted seams. Your quilt top should measure
72-1/2″ × 72-1/2″.

Castle Secrets Top

You are almost done! But there are still secrets to be told – watch for the reveal NEXT WEEK!!!!!


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